The monthly television series Golf Life, the longest running national golf show airing on Fox Sports, has announced a new partnership with to develop and feature a robust offering of multimedia product reviews.
Beginning this spring, the series GolfGrade by Golf Life will provide golfers the opportunity to test and review the latest golf equipment and gear. The two companies expect the product reviews to reach an audience of over 350,000 e-mail subscribers and more than 50,000 active golfers and millions of monthly impressions via social media and YouTube channels. is an online product review company committed to delivering the most innovative products that can help golfers of every skill level enjoy the game more. The team of golf experts have tested hundreds of products and have a goal of educating and helping golfers achieve better scores.
“We welcome our new partnership with After 20 years of golf television and online video, we’re confident we’ve shared more high-quality golf product video reviews and features than any other media company. now features our Golf Life Channel, so we wanted to enhance our video reviews through an engaging process with the digital marketing expertise that is” , Mike Billingsley, Executive Producer
In addition to airing across the U.S. on the Fox Sports Network, YES, ROOT Sports (Northwest), AT&T Sports Net (Rocky Mountains and Pittsburgh), MSG Network, MASN, Outside Channel and Sun Sports, Golf Life is available on mobile devices and connected TV via iPhone, IPad, Apple TV, Android, ROKU, Chromecast, Android TV and Fire TV. Just search for the Golf Life Channel on any device or visit
Golf Life will be capturing new product video spotlights at the upcoming 2019 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando. If you are an exhibitor interested in a spotlight video feature, please visit:
Contact Info:
Ed Sanchez
Golf Pulp Media